One thing stands out when you are lucky enough to have Spanish friends, you only have to feel a real Spanish hug to start to appreciate that the warmth does not only radiate from the sun.
We jumped into each other’s arms screaming gleefully, celebrating both happiness and excitement. You’re finally here, Alba shouted. Both taking a deep breath, we walked arm in arm to the car and drove to the beautiful city centre of Madrid. It was about time, we’ve all been treading water and being careful. Visiting my dear Spanish friend after so much time, but also going back to Madrid was a real turning point. Life is for living!
This city is a fantastic place to really discover the Spanish lifestyle, especially if you are lucky enough to have a wonderful friend as a guide who is willing to open those doors not usually available to visitors. Don’t get me wrong, although I lived in Spain for a good amount of time I’m still Dutch. There is a lot to say for both nationalities, good and a little less good. One thing stands out and you only have to feel a real Spanish hug to start to appreciate that the warmth does not only radiate from the sun.
After getting used to the logistics (late lunch and really late dinner, siësta, shopping hours, public holidays etc ..) we all face when living in Spain. I got to know the history, culture, warmth, family-orientated, stunning beauty and architecture of the country. Take in the buildings, listen to the music, watch the people interaction and enjoy the many facets of Spain. The rich history can be found just walking around and savouring it all. If you have inside information from your best friend, the layers will be explained and the pride and fighting spirit of these countryman/women will inspire you.
In many ways Spain is ahead of the game, in others the century-old traditions and values will make you jealous. I headed to Spain because my interest in fashion and style led me there. I could have gone to Paris, Milan, New York (at a stretch ..). However in Europe, Spain was the leader when it came to innovation in my field. I’m glad I didn’t just follow the pack, I found my own way and I’m better for it.
Looking back through rose-coloured glasses, Spain was like my first romance, the one you will never forget. When revisiting Madrid, I realised I had moved on and that I will never experience Madrid and Barcelona (my home for a few years prior to Madrid) in the same way. The friendships have deepened and the strong memories will stay with me forever.
It was my first real experience away from Holland. I learnt that we Dutch have our own positives and negatives, as do all nationalities and individuals. More importantly, I learned that opposites can attract and if the attraction is not mutual, coexist.
I have gone on to discover more cultures and even more about myself. I’ll save these insights for another chapter on my website ;)
P.S. A few quick tips. Great places to eat Soana, Fismuler, Bibo Dani Garcia and Aarde.